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Christian Weber
General Management/Sales/Purchasing
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Antje Weber
Marketing/Business Administration
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Stefan Jäschke
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Doreen Hagedorn
Technical Illustration/Warehouse
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Kilian Hoffmann
Management Assistant in Wholesale and Foreign Trade
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It is with deep sadness and great respect that we say goodbye to our senior boss and company founder


The company, to which all his work and creativity was dedicated, was his mission in life for many decades. Personal commitment, economic expertise and an extensive wealth of experience distinguished him in particular. With his extensive expertise, his determination and his entrepreneurial skills, he has significantly shaped and characterized the development of the company.

He was always at our employees' side with great experience, advice and action. With thanks and appreciation, we say goodbye and continue his life's work with great responsibility.

Remember in silent
Shareholders, management and all employees of
Kommunaltechnik Pierau GmbH | Gehrden

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Kommunaltechnik Pierau GmbH | Heinrich-Goebel-Straße 3 | 30989 Gehrden (Germany)
Telefon +49 5108 92970 | Telefax +49 5108 8579 |

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